Monday, April 18, 2016


April 18, 2016

I thought that I would have a lot of animo to send a really nice long email to yall today...... buuuutttt well I will see you SO SOON!!!!! So Ill just have lots to say when Im there!!!! Im so excited to see you all!!! Ill be there in the airport at 1155 wednesday night..... sooooooo dont be late!!

This last weekend was so great!!! Alejando got baptized. And it was the best way to end this chapter of my life.

I have never been so happy in my life. I have learned so much and for that I am eternally grateful. The mission is the best thing that has happened to me! 

Yo se que la iglesia es verdadero. Yo no tengo ninguna duda que la iglesia ha sido restaurado nuevamente aqui sobre la tierra. Yo se que Dios nos ama y tiene un gran plan para cada uno de sus hijos. Les amo mucho. Nos vemos!!!

Hermana Nelson

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Revelation is real

April 11, 2016

Wow. It has been a great week!!! I mean, I'll keep this one short cause well..... yeah, we don't like talking about the leaving part yet ;)
But this week was great!!! We had a really cool experience this week with one of our investigators. Her name is Maria Fernanda and she is the 22 year old daughter of a recent convert family but she has always felt the pressure from her family and for that reason has not been baptized. But this last week we invited her to conference and told her that if she came she should come with a question in mind and promised her that her question will be answered. So she went out of her own free will and had her little sticky note in her hand with her question. This last week we passed by to visit her. We sat down and before we even started the lesson she looked at us and said. ¨Hermanas. It's true that we can receive revelation. Hermanas, He answered my question.¨ We really can receive revelation from our Father in Heaven cause he really does hear and answer us.
Also this week we had a really cool experience. We are teaching this hermana named Leyla. We contacted her about 3 weeks ago but we kept missing her and after the first lesson could never really find her in her house again. But then that was when the miracle happened that she came to conference!! So we went and visited her this week and she told us her whole story. She is the neighbor that everyone has and that everyone said that she never wanted anything. But she told us that how for the last 5 or 7 years members from the ward have been inviting her to church. They have left her folletos [pamphlets] and a Book of Mormon and everything but she had never set foot in the church. Well this Sunday she came again and this time with all of her kids. In gospel principles class she spoke up at the very end and said, ¨ Bishop can I say something? I know that this class was prepared before but I know that what you were saying was just for me. Everything that you were saying was just for me.¨ The bishop continued to explain how God knows us perfectly and even though there were many people there, He speaks to us individually.
I have so much more to say but I have to run! I love you all so very much!!! The church is true the book is blue and I will see YOU soon :)
Hermana Nelson

Thursday, April 7, 2016


April 4th, 2016

Miracles miracles. God has really worked Miracles here in Roble Oeste!! This week was General Conference... wasn't it so good?? Meaning, if you didn't watch general Conference yet, you GOTTA GO WATCH IT.
But first off I wanted to start with telling you about Familia Alvarado. Do you remember them? We had a FHE [Family Home Evening] with them last week and we watched the Restauration with them! And she gave the most sincere prayer? Well this week Hno Maradiaga (where we had the FHE) told us that Sunday after church Hna Mayra (the esposa [spouse] of Fam Alvarado) went to go chat with Hna Maradiaga for like 4 hours asking questions about the great apostasy and the life of Joseph Smith and how it was restored. She said that it was so great and spiritual! So we went back this week with the bishop and his whole family! And we gave a cute little dynamic about strong family relationships (using an egg drop... all you gotta do is tell them they have 5 minutes to cushion the egg from any harm... the only catch is is that they can't talk and can only use one hand. They have cups napkins and tape. after the 5 minutes you trade eggs with the other team and drop them outside. I don't know how, but every time I've done this, the member family's egg always stays in one piece and the investigator's egg breaks. So then you talk about how they felt that it broke and start to relation everything. O sea [in other words], wouldn't it have been so much easier if you could've talked (o sea... you gotta have good communication in your marriage!) or wouldn't it have been easier if you  could have used both hands?(you gotta put ALL your strength and love into your marriage) And then we talked about how Satan is always out there attacking the family in any way he can.)) Then the Bishop touched on the touchy subject with them about getting married. And they practically accepted it (they told us that they had important news to tell us this Tuesday). SO good news we hope!!! Then when we got to the conference on Sunday, they were already there sitting front row!!! They are so great!!! And remind me to tell you a really cool story about now that they are following the commandments of God the husband got healed of an infirmity that he has been dealing with for 10 years!!
God worked so many miracles... He just waits for a little faith! In conference this weekend we had 12 investigators including 3 families! Even some contacts that we had made came. All the members got so excited cause apparently everyone knows her and her family and apparently before she didn't want anything to do with the church! She brought her 2 girls and she said that next week she'll be bringing her husband so that he can learn how to become the ¨man of the household!¨ haha
The church is true! I wish I also had time to tell you all about the things that I learned in conference but I don't... Just know that the spirit testifies and the Lord helps those who want and have the desire to be helped.
 I love you all!
Hermana Nelson

Heres Han Cristina. Our lovely forever investigator. but shes so cute :) Her sons on a mission in Mexico!

WE are all luaghing so hard in this foto cause the cute little lady that was taking it was trying to take the pic backwards.... So we almost got a really nice foto of her eye! haha
(we were giving service and setting up all of her rat traps!!)

I ran into some jovenes from Flores!!

Some conference selfies :)

I mean just dont zoom in and look at the faces.... but some trampoline jumping!!

Monday, March 28, 2016


March 28, 2016

Hello Family!! Well for starters Happy Easter!!! I hope it was all a  good one! Many of you have asked what do they do in Honduras for Easter? Well.... For starters everyone goes to the beach. So here in Roble Oeste was a little quiet this week. You couldn't hear anything.... Not even a mouse (I don't really know how that story goes anymore haha) We looked high and low... around bushes and lifted up rocks but there was no one to be found.... We may or may not have seen more dogs than people during this holiday week! haha just kidding (kinda...)
But remember what I told you last week? How the fact that everyone was on vacation just made it easier to find the chosen people. Well... it was true! We had so many cool experiences this week!

First we had a lesson with Maggie (our investigator that is from California that speaks English) We taught her the Plan of Salvation. About 2 weeks ago her husband died of cancer and he has been taking it really hard So when we went over the plan of salvation (its really weird to teach in English!) and we started talking about the spirit world, I explained to her about temples and the hope that each of us have to live with our families forever. But her eyes got really big and asked me. So heremana... what are you saying? Where is my husband? In the prison or in paradise? We just sat there in silence for a minute and she said... looks like I have to pray to see. Yes that's the answer. Pray. Always pray :)

One day (Friday) just about everyone has free days this day soooo needless to say not very many people will be in their house. And all the members were gone too....So all of our citas fell through and so we started to knock doors. Well we knocked every single door until (classic) the every LAST one someone was home. She answered and LET US IN (which also usually doesn't happen) She listened to our whole message and actually understood it. She started to realize the importance and told us that she would pray :) Escogidos are everywhere (Sometimes you just gotta lift up a few more rocks than normal ;))

Another miracle.... This week an old investigator CALLED to ask us to come visit him!

Another miracle....This week we had a FHE with a family in the ward with our awesome family that's investigating the church. We watched the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (watch it.... its POWERFUL) at the end of the video we all went around and bore our testimonies one by one. The spirit was there so strong and we asked the wife her thoughts and all she said was... Wow I have a lot of reading and praying to do. We asked her to say the closing prayer and it was one of the sincerest prayers that I have heard. She asked for patience to receive her answer and said that she would do better. She asked for a pure heart to recognize the answer and promised God that she will pray all night if she needs to and continue praying each day asi to receive her answer. The next day the whole family came to church and when she came and sat down the first thing she pulled put was a notepad to take notes.... and continued to take notes through all the meetings :) Were going to go Visit Familia Alvarado tonight (the investigationg family) with our lider mision and his family. I'm so excited to see what happens :)

Each day I feel more useful and I feel like Now i really do know how to work. This ward is so great! This week we have plans to leave with a different leader to visit with us. I love this work so much and it kind of makes me sad to think that I will be leaving it soon. The best kind of joy to feel is to see when the people that you love so much start to repent and change their lives. And you start to see the same light come to their eyes! But I know that my mission doesn't end here :)

Anyway I love y'all so much!!!

Have the best week!!! I hope you had the bet Easter and remembered Christ. I KNOW that he lives and with that knowledge I know that each one of us can live again with Him.

Hermana Nelson

We decided to document the fact that no one was home :)

more tracting.... :)

some selfies

our view of Teguc.


March 21, 2016

Ok sorry this one might be a quicky Ive been trying to figure out all of my stuff for BYU! But This week was such an amazing week!!
We have been running back and forth and leaving with a lot of members. SO this week is spring break meaning well.... haha meaning, serving in the richest area in the mission means that EVERYONE has money to go out of town. But lets look at it more this way. Theres always chosen people in our area right? In each and every minute. SO having everyone be out of town just makes it that much easier to find the chosen people that are ready to hear... am I right?? Haha SO any person taht passes on the street this week.... tHYEVE GOTTA BE READY TO HEAR THE GOSPEL. We like looking at it that way mejor :)
But this week we have a baptism! woo! I mean Im not sure whos gunna be there to preside.... but were excited :) haha
Funny story of the week. The 1st counselor in the stake president invited us over so that we visit him and his family. I mean theyre new to the ward (they just movied from another ward in the stake) and said it would be great if we came saturday night. So fun fact. March 19 is also Fathers Day in Honduras (So happy Fathers day daddy!!) But were pretty sure he forgot. And he didnt tell his wife we were coming. So we got there first. He invited us in and there were a few people there already.... but he was so calm. About 5 minutes later people just start knocking on the door non stop. and one by one the party started to come. His WHOLE FAMILY was coming over to celebrate Fathers DAy. When his wife got there with all of the grocery sacks his wife just kinda looked at us thinking.... and the missionaries? Waht are they doing here?? So it was a little awkward but then later put us to work making the salads. It started getting late and we were thinking that maybe it would be better if we just snuck out the back door  with the dinner that his wife packed up for us. But then we just hear OK!!! before the missionaries head theyve got a messge ready for all of us! SWEET.
So they go lookng for all the chairs in the house and we formed a little house of prayer setting.(I should have gotten my little soap box ready) Later we realized that it was all planned by the first couselor.... There were some family that were not memebrs of the church. So we gave a cute little presentations of Fathers and our heavenly father  (On the SPUR of the moment). It was so great, everyone participated and and it was so spiritual! So here we go. Ways for finding.... Crash Fathers Day Partys. CHECK.
 I love you all so much!!! HAve the best week!! I love the mission (And my companion is as great as ever!) I love this gospel. The church is true.
Hermana Nelson

some baleada eating with the district!

hi. we burn hotdogs. sos. gotta learn how to cook ;)

Breakfast and some scripture study!

we ate some really expensive hamburgers.... but I mean go big or go home right? (well at least expensive for here!)


HI heres a foto of one of my favorite jovenes :)

Best week ever

March 14, 2016

haha sorry Ive gottena little lazy with the titles for my emails buuuuuut it pretty much explains it all!!
This week has been the best week ever! I recieved Hna casanova this week. She has 5 months in the mission and I absolutly LOVE her. The only think I asked the Lord for this change is to have a companion that wanted to work. Thats all I wanted. So after we collected her bags and hoped in to out first taxi ride together to back to the area she just looked at me and said... ¨¨Hermana this is an answer to my prayers. All I want to do is work and learn everything I can about missionary work.¨¨ I just about cried!
But this week has been such a miracle. we have been working so hard to do the best that we can. For a little bit there has been a little bit of lack of confidence from the members due to sickness and not being able to work much but this week we went and visited all of the members and demonstrated how willing we are too work. Oh man and it has been beautiful!! This week alone we receied 16 references from members to go visit their friends... old investigators or their neighbors. In fact we have a baptism this next week! haha also when confidence comes that also means food comes. So our diet starts... tomorrow ;) haha
I cant even express to you how happy I am right now. This is the best kind of happiness there is cause its eternal. I can really tell you that God answers prayers. That we are so so lucky to be apart of this gospel.... so we gotta share the love!! I can tesify without a doubt that this is the true church... and theres no where else Id rather be than here in Honduras :)
Have the best week...
Ps I received my flight plans today (I kinda wanna throw up...) But Ill be home April 20 at 1155pm. Sooooo SEE YALL THERE! And yes. Everyones invited :)
Hermana Nelson
oh the foto is of all the hermanas that left this last week.... we had ELEVEN hermanas in our house!!! And theyre all my favs!! Heres a few of them!!

day of cambios!!! bye hermana Flores

I HAVE THE BEST COMP! meet Hna Casanova :)

hna Claderon ya left....

hna niu as well...

and hermana craner....

ya know.... you gotta give some service helping little kids wiht their science fair... in English!!

our diet starts... tomorrow ;)

we love to see the temple :)

we're so lucky!!!

The homestrech!

March 7, 2016

Haha ok well not really BUTTTTT we just got the call for the cambios. AND IM STAYING IN ROBLE OESTE!!! My companion leaves and Ill be recieving Hna Casanova. I think she has about 4 or 5 months in the mission. She was Hna floress (my comp now) comp in the MTC! Meaning Ill be dying here by the temple. And Im definetly not mad about that one!!

This week has been super great. It was really hard at the beginning. My companion got an email from her family this week saying that her Grandpa died so we did a lot of divisions so that she could recooupeate... so most of the week I dropped her off with a member and I left with another hermana! 

But we had the best experience this week. I left with Hna Calderon (She ends her mission this wedensday so were sad about that) and I felt the impression to call an old investigator, Nely. To be honest I had never even met her but we called her up and she got really exctied. She told us that she wasnt in her house but that she was with a friend- ¨¨But hermanas, come to my friends house and we can take advantage of the time and you can share with both of us!!¨¨ So we got really exctied and went to visit them. When we got there they were all ready sitting to hear us. So later Nely told us that she had only met Marlin (the friend) about 2 weeks ago but she has been visiting her and telling her aout God. Before we called she was telling her about how 2 hermanas from the mormon church used to visit her but they havent been coming lately. The Hermana Marlin was bummed but Hna Nelly told her that our church started at 9 if she ever wanted to go.... SO THATS WHEN WE CALL AND WALK IN. WE start the lesson and Hna Calderon immediatly felt the impression to share the story in Matt 14. ¨¨Oh hombre de poca fe, porque dudaste?¨¨ or, oh man of little faith, why did you doubt (sorry I dont remember the words in english!) She just started crying and said that that was exacly what she needed to hear. We continued to talk about the happinesss and the blessings that the gospel brings. The next saturday (2 days later) we passed again. She was so excited to receive us and had Her Book of Mormon all ready sitting out on her table read and yes, she read!!! WE talked about the importance to follow Christ and how we can do that. We challenged her to be baptized in just 3 weeks and she accepted!!! She is so ready. Sometimes people are just looking for the truth... they just dont know where to find it!

But as a learned this week. Oh ye of little faith. DONT DOUBT. We should never doubt anything in this work. God is all powerful and all knowing. All we need to do is have the faith the size of the mustard seed and we can see miracles!!!

This week half of our area was closed to us. Were so sad.... cause like most of our investigators live in that residential but you know what they say.... when one door closes 2 windows open (or something like that) so we are looking for all the windows we can find!!! 

I love you all so much!!! Have the best week!!

Hermana Nelson

this week I was compared to tweety bird several times.... ¨¨look Hna Nelson, you have the same eyes!!!¨¨ ha. Ill take it as a compliment

district :)

we match. Isnt that so cute??

ome selfie, sunday afternoon lunch cooking stuff :)

I made pastel :) Upside down pinapple cake :)

I made pastel :) Upside down pinapple cake :)