Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Here to stay!

Hello all!!! So great news here... I'm staying in Comayagua! Well at least for another 6 weeks! But I'll take what I can get!

So we had transfers this last Tuesday and I lucked out! My companions name is Hermana Vasquez. She is darling! She is from California but her parents are from Mexico so she speaks both Spanish and English perfectly! (So for starters that's definitely a perk! Here goes to improving my Spanish! haha) Just in this last week I have learned so much from her! She is so willing to work and serve the Lord! The funny thing is that we both just finished our training and they put us together to be Companions... that almost never happens. So I guess the Lord has a lot of people ready and prepared to hear the Gospel for us! And let me tell you... We have seen so many tender mercies this week. From the time we started together here in Comayagua we have yet a day to go by that we see the Lords hand in our missions. At the very beginning of the week our one fecha had fell through and my golden investigator just keeps working and now she's in Teguic for a week or 2. But every single day we have found someone put in our path that just wanted to hear the Gospel.

If we are obedient and do our part we are so beyond blessed. Yesterday we were walking around a little far away from our house in the heat of the day and no one was home. We had been walking around pretty aimlessly for about 5 minutes cause we couldn't figure out where we were supposed to go. We had contacted this lady, Marianna about 3 days ago and she had had missionaries before and told us that we could come visit her... unfortunately addresses don't exist here in Honduras! its more like.... Ya I live por this street up 3 blocks then you turn down that road then por alli and you pass a few pulperias along then way then I'm the white adobe house. (not even kidding.) So we were lost and kind of just sat down on a curb to figure where we were going to go next. Next thing we know Marianna just starts walking down the street with all her bags of groceries and we start chatting with her (still sitting on the curb). We figured that she still lived pretty far so we asked for her direction again when she looked at us pretty weird and was like... "Uh I live here in this house." We turned around and there enough was her yellow house that we were sitting directly in front of!! "If you want you can come in and share something with me!" Blessings. That's just one of many stories!! We have been so blessed just a week here in Honduras.

The same kind of story happened Saturday night too! All of our plans had fell through and we were just headed to a house of a less active lady in the ward when we heard this guy start talking to us. We chatted for a bit... learned that he had the missionaries before and the next thing we know he gave us his whole life story... how old he is... he's married with 4 kids and he would love for us to go and visit!

The Lord prepares the way for us... he will never give us a commandment without a way to achieve it. I love this gospel so much! Its so true and if you don't know it I invite you to find out for yourself!

Love you all! Hermana Nelson

PS... If you haven't laughed today (well first off you should laugh everyday but I'll help you out for the day) I was at church and I was trying to ask this man if we could go visit him... Well Hermana Nelson and her Spanish asked him... Well when you are FREED (like from prison) we'd love to come visit you. hahaha... poco a poco :) LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Happy... dia de Friendship

Hey long time no chat!

Wow this week has been such a roller coaster. Today is officially the last day of my training! I am now officially moving on to being a real grown up, official missionary! Yikes! We find out today who goes and who stays here in Comayaqua... They should have called like 30 minutes ago so you can just imagine how I'm feeling! Honestly it will be kind of sad. Almost our entire district has been together for 3 months now and now were moving on to your new areas! But there are about to be a lot of changes here in the mission! It sounds like they are closing a whole zone and opening other areas! So we will just have to wait and see!

This week Elsa and her 3 kids came to church! we found her... or I guess its better to say that she found us at church a couple of weeks ago! She came into our Gospel Pricipals class so Hermana Rojas went to go sit next to her... by the end of church we had talked to her a little about the restoration and she told us that she wanted to get baptized as soon as she could.  Sometimes things just work out perfectly ya know? I think shes distant relatives with the bishop or family friends and they actually live in the same area! So we went over there with the bishop and his wife cause its pretty far into Independencia. She told us that the other night she had a dream that her and her children all got baptized. she is literally amazing and is so willing to learn about the gospel! Then she told us how her friend offered her coffee but she learned that it wasn't good for her she decided! I cant wait to see whats in store for her! And I hope I can be here in Comayagua to watch it all happen!

This week I learned an important lesson... My companion looked at me one night after a particularly long day and said... Hermana Whatever you do, don't change. If someone you're with is sad or angry or mad don't change to lower yourself with them.... help them rise up to the challenge. Its so simple but so true. You can be the change in their life but to do that you have to maintain your happy attitude. And you can always find the happiness!

The church is true! I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week!!

Hermana Nelson

Hello all!

Hi fam!!

The weeks are getting faster and faster here I swear! First things its Monday... then Monday again!

But everything is just great here in the 504 (does that sound cool... probs not) haha... but this week I got all of the letters that were sent to me! Thank you to everyone that sent a Christmas card! It was like Christmas all over again!!

The Saturday Gustavo was baptized! I can hardly believe it... he has been through a lot the last month or so and changed his life around! We hope that he can continue to grow in the gospel! I remember the day that he told us the he KNEW the church was true. We couldn't even finish our question. Did you pray last night to kn... Yeah I did! And hermanas, I think I got my answer! And now he has had the opportunity to be baptized and have a fresh start on his life! Ill attach the picture below!

We had a zone meeting this last week and we are all ready to go to work! They started off by asking why we all chose to go on missions and I don't know I guess it really gets you thinking every time that question comes up and every time someone asks you there's another reason that is added on. I have had so many wonderful examples in my life of people that have served missions and I strive to be just like them. I have had the wonderful opportunity to have the gospel my whole life and now its my turn to share what I know. I have felt the comfort and peace that the atonement can bring into our lives and so much that I cant deny that it is true. I love the gospel with all of my heart. The gospel is home (in the wise words of my sister Amy)... no matter where you are or what situation you are in the gospel can be the rock in our lives.

Love you all so much! Hang in there!

Hermana Nelson

Monday, February 2, 2015

Another Week Older and Wiser Too

Hi Fam!

Wow this week seriously flew by! I feel like yesterday I was writing you guys! But that's a good sign right?

This week we went to Tegucigalpa for a reunion with Elder Alonzo of the 70 and holy cow was it powerful! I think every missionary here in the mission is ready to go to work! No but really it was a lot of great insight of what we need to do and all the faith that we need to have. If you haven't noticed yet I'm pretty sure that's the theme of my mission! In the conference he talked a lot about the story in Luke 8. It is when Christ is walking through the multitude and a woman reached out to touch the robes of Christ and he felt ´the virtue flow out of him.' The woman who had been sick for 12 years was immediately healed. And he says, ¨Daughter be if good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole, Go in peace." Do we have sufficient faith that we can touch and receive the power of the Lord? The woman did everything on her part. She had complete and pure faith that she would be healed, then she acted on it. Its like when Moses parted the Red Sea he didn't just sit there and wait for the waters to part they had to go down into the waters to prove their faith and then they were able to witness miracles. But it is the same in our lives. We have afflictions in our lives and a lot of times we suffer endlessly from them. We may feel like they will never go away and that we will never rise above. But we can... and the key is if we do our part we can rise above it all. Oph... isn't that so great?? Christ is the only way that we can be saved and he has tanto, pero tanto mercy for every single one of us. The only thing he asks us to do is have faith and then act on that faith to live in harmony with our savior. He is waiting for us with outstretched arms. He has done his part about 2000 years ago in the Garden. he knows every one of our aches and afflictions and now it is our job to take the first steps to come unto Christ and taste of the sweet joy!

This Sunday one good thing happened after another. Sometimes our prayers and answered in different ways than we expect. But we got to church right before sacrament just in time to see our convert Nahum stand up to pass the sacrament!! We entered church a little sad cause we were sure why some of our investigators didn't come but when we saw him pass the sacrament all was well! Then right after we looked to our left and one of our menos activos that we had been working with came to church! We've been visiting her since about December and she kept saying that she knows the place she needs to be is in la iglesia and yesterday there she was! And then everything fell into place cause right before sacrament meeting ended Cindy walked in... meaning that she is ready to be baptized this Saturday! Our zone leaders told us that our two zones are going to combine our baptisms this weekend and have noche blano... possibly 16 baptisms! Its just shows how fast the work is progressing and spreading to all of the world!

I love you all so so much! I hope you have the best week! The church is true... if you still don't know or want to know for yourself our Heavenly Father is just waiting for you to ask him.

Love Hermana Nelson 

Hermana Rojas Birthday
Tita! A member in our ward! She's darling and usually comes to our citas with us! You've probably seen pictures on Facebook!

Marjorie and Dohary got baptized!

We hiked about 2 hours up to las anonas this Saturday! Can you believe it! Members live up there and walk down a mountain 2 hours to church every Sunday! It was gorgeous! They have the strongest testimonies up there.

Foto Elder Alonso