Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy... dia de Friendship

Hey long time no chat!

Wow this week has been such a roller coaster. Today is officially the last day of my training! I am now officially moving on to being a real grown up, official missionary! Yikes! We find out today who goes and who stays here in Comayaqua... They should have called like 30 minutes ago so you can just imagine how I'm feeling! Honestly it will be kind of sad. Almost our entire district has been together for 3 months now and now were moving on to your new areas! But there are about to be a lot of changes here in the mission! It sounds like they are closing a whole zone and opening other areas! So we will just have to wait and see!

This week Elsa and her 3 kids came to church! we found her... or I guess its better to say that she found us at church a couple of weeks ago! She came into our Gospel Pricipals class so Hermana Rojas went to go sit next to her... by the end of church we had talked to her a little about the restoration and she told us that she wanted to get baptized as soon as she could.  Sometimes things just work out perfectly ya know? I think shes distant relatives with the bishop or family friends and they actually live in the same area! So we went over there with the bishop and his wife cause its pretty far into Independencia. She told us that the other night she had a dream that her and her children all got baptized. she is literally amazing and is so willing to learn about the gospel! Then she told us how her friend offered her coffee but she learned that it wasn't good for her she decided! I cant wait to see whats in store for her! And I hope I can be here in Comayagua to watch it all happen!

This week I learned an important lesson... My companion looked at me one night after a particularly long day and said... Hermana Whatever you do, don't change. If someone you're with is sad or angry or mad don't change to lower yourself with them.... help them rise up to the challenge. Its so simple but so true. You can be the change in their life but to do that you have to maintain your happy attitude. And you can always find the happiness!

The church is true! I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week!!

Hermana Nelson

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