Friday, December 18, 2015


November 30, 2015

HELLO!!! Happy thanks giving to all! I hope you had the best time!! I'm so grateful for all of you in my life!

So this week flew by again but really though.... I don't know where the time goes! But this time I'm learning to love my fellow creatures.... As in bugs, mice, more bugs, mosquitoes, and other sorts of BUGS. They just seem to be getting in the way of things here and there! 

1 We were sitting in a big family home evening with a bunch of ward members and less actives.... when all of a sudden everyone starts yelling and my companion slaps me in the face. Apparently there was a HUGE mosquito... Like probably the size of my fist (Or so it seemed) on my cheek. So for the people that didn't see it on my face we had to try to explain in Spanish just why my lovely (other gringa) companion has just slapped me...

2 I was really getting into my personal study on Tuesday and minding my own business just to sigh... and inhale a fly.

3 We were teaching an Hermana and we were getting to a really spiritual part of the lesson when I take a breath to start sharing the first vision when.... I inhaled a bug and start choking.... El espiritu ya se fue... jaja [The spirit left - ha ha]

4 Hey dad I killed my fist rat here on the mission! It was the grossest thing ever. But we were starving casue it had eaten all of our food.... even down to the pancake mix!!

5 And my personal favorite: I ate Gizzard and Chicken Foot. But one of the counselors in the stake had made it for us so he really wanted to see if we liked it. So he took a seat right in front of his to watch us eat it... And stayed not saying anything the whole time.... just watching our expressions. So we had to eat all of it... down to the very bone! But it wasn't too bad!! haha

I realized that I never really explained Flores where I'm serving. Its a small town. Like a pretty small town. Ya know that one town in the middle of the free way that's known just for their gas station? Yeah, that's us!! The middle of the town is the highway and the biggest landmark is the tool shop. The church is a little white house off of the side of the freeway. The people and the members are so good here!! But I guess the nice thing about this country is that everyone is raised with the idea if you reject the missionaries you'll be condemned so everyone lets us in (I mean not that they listen every time) but it's so nice to be able to teach all the time. Most people don't really leave their houses. I mean the only reason you need to is if you have to go to the super market that's about 30 minutes away in bus (In Comayagua)... But if not they just send their kids across the street to the closest pulperia (o sea [in other words] the little food shop that people sell out of their houses from!) I love it here so much but cambios [transfers] are next week meaning I'll most likely be leaving! but the work goes on!!

I hope you guys had the best Thanksgiving ever! I'm so lucky to be here on my mission and I love you all. Remember that God loves you and has a plan for each one of us!

Have the best week!!

Hermana Nelson

Pictures.... We saved up for like a month for that cheesecake and let me tell you it was SO WORTH IT.

And our Thanksgiving dinner (a few days late) We ate outside so we could eat with the elders who so nicely brought the meat! haha

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