Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Revelation is real

April 11, 2016

Wow. It has been a great week!!! I mean, I'll keep this one short cause well..... yeah, we don't like talking about the leaving part yet ;)
But this week was great!!! We had a really cool experience this week with one of our investigators. Her name is Maria Fernanda and she is the 22 year old daughter of a recent convert family but she has always felt the pressure from her family and for that reason has not been baptized. But this last week we invited her to conference and told her that if she came she should come with a question in mind and promised her that her question will be answered. So she went out of her own free will and had her little sticky note in her hand with her question. This last week we passed by to visit her. We sat down and before we even started the lesson she looked at us and said. ¨Hermanas. It's true that we can receive revelation. Hermanas, He answered my question.¨ We really can receive revelation from our Father in Heaven cause he really does hear and answer us.
Also this week we had a really cool experience. We are teaching this hermana named Leyla. We contacted her about 3 weeks ago but we kept missing her and after the first lesson could never really find her in her house again. But then that was when the miracle happened that she came to conference!! So we went and visited her this week and she told us her whole story. She is the neighbor that everyone has and that everyone said that she never wanted anything. But she told us that how for the last 5 or 7 years members from the ward have been inviting her to church. They have left her folletos [pamphlets] and a Book of Mormon and everything but she had never set foot in the church. Well this Sunday she came again and this time with all of her kids. In gospel principles class she spoke up at the very end and said, ¨ Bishop can I say something? I know that this class was prepared before but I know that what you were saying was just for me. Everything that you were saying was just for me.¨ The bishop continued to explain how God knows us perfectly and even though there were many people there, He speaks to us individually.
I have so much more to say but I have to run! I love you all so very much!!! The church is true the book is blue and I will see YOU soon :)
Hermana Nelson

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