Monday, June 22, 2015

Miracles after miracles

Hi fam!!!

So we started off the week suuuuper great with zone conference! This is the last one that Pte Fortuna will be at cause in about a month we will be changing mission presidents (So yeah you could say that were pretty sad!) But is was the best conference ever! It was all about faith. Something I really loved is Faith= desire and determination. We have to have the desire to do it but if we don't have the force behind it... we are nothing. We have to be willing to pay the price if we want to see the success we are looking for! But it all starts with us! There are 2 kinds of goals... one that depends on me and one that depends on someone else and we have to focus on the first one. If I'm not ready... I will never see the outcome that we are looking for. It all depends on your faith... but you have to drop the fear. In dyc 67:3 it talks about if we want blessings... and if we didn't receive them.... its because of the fear that we have in our heart! So drop the fear and go forth with FAITH! El valor no significa que no tenemos temor. There is opposition in every single thing in this life but the REASON we are here is to find JOY!! So needless to say we have been pumped all week :)

so this week my companion and I started a week of gifts! We started it wiht Hermano Roger so he can stop drinking but then we can to the realization that we should do it with ALL of our progressing investigators so they can feel our love and support as well as the love and support of the Lord. So we did it with Tati too! It consists of dropping of pictures of Christ, candy, cookies, letters of support and my personally favorite a fake white rose. One of the biggest challenges here is to get people to church... the are so willing to listen to us and go to all of our activities.... just not make it all the way there (I mean for different reasons.... work school and other "compromisos") But we dropped off a fake white rose to all of them to represent Gods love. Just like this rose Gods love is pure and perfect. And just like this rose will never wilt... Gods love is everlasting and will never die. So every time you look at this rose and remember how much Your Heavenly Father really loves you we want you to think of what YOU can do to show YOUR love for God :) And yes... they all came to church thanks to a fake white rose and a little fasting :)

Through all of this Roger got Chickengua on Friday! Noooo... Beinvenido a Talanga! So we had an appt set up with our Zone leader and a member from our ward. The second we walked in the house and heard that we has sick Nelson (our member) left right away to the nearest store to buy him medication and then the gave him a blessing. Priesthood Power is REAL. Roger drinks just so that he can sleep at night so he can get rid of all the stress and worry but Elder Johnson didn't know that. In the blessing he blessed him that through his faith he will be able to rest and sleep the whole night through! By the time Sunday rolled around he was able to walk all the way to church! (and  trust me... it hurts to walk when you have Chickengunya!) Woo!!

Yesterday we were able to go the the temple with all of our investigators!! It was for a conference with Pte Fortuna. There had to be about 1000 people there! all of them being recent converts and investigators! so us, Angel, Felipe, Tati and Jose all went! And a ton of others! and then after we talked all about temples.... and all of them ranging from 18 to 23 years old theyre planning on going on misison and jose told us.... now my desire to go to so much more! wooo!! Jose and tati are both planning on being baptized this month!

Now some ask what its like to be in Honduras. I. LOVE. IT. Dad... you'll be so proud I have overcome my fear of LITTLE spiders but I'm still working on keeping my cool when I almost step on a tarantula in the hallway or when I'm so ready to sleep and one of our dear pet cockroaches wanted to share my bed with me :) But I love it here. Sometimes I still wake us and realize all over again our lucky and blessed I am.

I love you all so much and I hope you have the BEST WEEK :)

Hermana Nelson

Attached is me and Hermana Fortuna :)

Temple trip with all of our investigators!




Me and my companion :)

Our baptism with Angle and Anabelly!!! And all of our support!!

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