Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hello Talangita Mi Amor

Hi fam!!

Ok here I am in TALANGA!!! Woo!! My new companion is Hermana Hernandez y she is Super Buena!

I miss comayagua terribly but im so excited to be here in a new city to bring new experiences... ok city is a bit of an exaggeration... small town ;) I think I will love it here in Talanga and so far so good!

"Talangita Mi Amor!" Ok so this week has been great! Hna Hernadez just finished her training (are we seeing a trend with my companions?) But she has so much faith and love for the people! We've been focusing on basically inviting EVERYONE to conference this last weeek! Our goal was to have everyone in Talanga in Conference... (But I guess humility had to cut its way in but we had a few!)

I had never been so excited for conference before so we were contacting literally everyone in sight! (it's a ton different than Comayagua... especially for the holiday everyone went to the beach! So I mean sometimes all we had were a few cows in the street to talk to... that's the only down side of not being able to knock doors as hermanas!= So literally everyone that passed by us had a little paper reminding them about conference and a shpeel from us why we were so excited and the blessings they will receive from listening to the Prophet! (Not that we turned Evangelica or anything... we just really wanted then to come!!) But on the upside we found a lot of receptive people... not that they came but the important part is that they can feel the spirit through our testimony!

So for conference we could only go if we had investigators with us but regardless of the fact that it was in Spanish Sunday morning conference was the BEST!!  I don't think Ill have time to tell you all the great things but if you missed it and you get the chance (which I know you have cause you guys have modern technology) read or watch conference!

This week has been such a great experience of learning and progressing. i love this gospel. 

Until next week!

Hermana Nelson

Bye Comayagua! All the young single adults and us!

We're Honduraian Now .:)

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